How to install and use the IDML-Creator


The IDML-Creator is written in PHP and can be used with Composer. It's a private library that needs to be licensed.

IDML-Creator makes use of semantic versioning. It uses some open-source libraries. The latest version requires PHP 8.1 or higher. Required extensions are ext-dom, ext-libxml and ext-xsl.

Bit&Black offers an annual distribution including minor updates and patches.

Adding to your project

After receiving your private name and token, follow these steps to add IDML-Creator to your project:

  1. Add the repository config to your composer.json:
    $ composer config repositories.private-packagist composer<YOUR_CUSTOMER_NAME>/
  2. Add config information to your auth.json file once:
    $ composer config --auth token <YOUR_CUSTOMER_TOKEN>
    Make sure to never commit the auth.json file into your repository, as it contains sensitive information.
  3. Add the library:
    $ composer require bitandblack/idml-creator
  4. Regenerate the composer.lock file:
    $ composer update

Want to use IDML-Creator?

Get in contact! Read the documentation